Country Risk

Country Risk

Coface uses macroeconomic, financial and political data which, together with the payment experience it records on companies in the country, enables it to calculate a powerful indicator of average credit risk.

Completely free of charge. Updated and published quarterly, Coface's country risk assessment map offers you a unique view of your risk assessment in 163 countries around the world. Coface assesses the average credit risk of companies in a country. To do so, it uses macroeconomic, financial and political data. It also takes into account the payment experience it records on companies in the country and its understanding of the country's business environment.

With more than 75 years of experience and the most extensive international network in the market, Coface is a leader in Credit Insurance and related specialised services, including Debt Collection and Trade Information services.
The products and services strengthen sales capacity in domestic and international markets by protecting them against the risk of non-payment.

More products of: Country information

Support for international business development


Conduct market research on a specific sector or country and analyse the potential, competition and positioning that your company may have.

Exclusive advantage

Plan de estrategia internacional


Define el plan de expansión internacional para su empresa.

Exclusive advantage

Export/import analysis by country


Tool that provides information on imports and exports from/to all the countries in the world for any product.

Exclusive advantage

Country risk


Find the diagnostics of the risks arising from overseas trade and investment.

Exclusive advantage

Keys to successful selling


Discover the 10 keys to successful selling, specific to each market.

Exclusive advantage

Country information


See the chief economic indicators, current news and statistics of the markets that are best suited to your company.

Country rating

Standard & Poor’s

See the chief economic indicators, current news and statistics of the markets into which you are planning to expand.

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