Sabadell Go Export
Program for Owner-Managers. Development strategy for SMEs
Study the concepts and tools of management which any director of a family company should know and apply, paying special attention to integrating them from the viewpoint of the general management.
Foster, not only via an expansion of knowledge, but also the capacity for implementation via the management skills and interpersonal relationships.
Offer training in management to the senior directors of family companies and drive the development of these companies by preparing a Company Plan.
20% discount on registration for the program.

ESADE está considerada una de las 10 Business Schools más relevantes a nivel internacional según los principales rankings y ocupa el 5º puesto en Executive Education en el prestigioso ranking elaborado por el Financial Times (mayo del 2014).
More products of: Training
AENOR training
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Foreign trade (customised)
Train people so as to ensure your company’s success in internationalisation.
Online video-sessions
Banco Sabadell
Train and inform your company’s foreign trade professionals anywhere, anytime, via the BancoSabadellTV video-sessions.
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