Sabadell Go Export
International debt recovery
CREDILEX is a law firm with far-reaching experience in debt recovery abroad that specialises in commercial and insolvency areas.
– We provide legal and out-of-court management of credit claims abroad.
– Simplified out-of-court credit claim service (sending of letters and calls).
– We analyse the viability of the claim by means of drawing up debtor solvency reports.
– Specialised legal advice provided from the country where required.
– We maintain ongoing communication with our customers by means of regular progress reports on their cases.
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CREDILEX is a law firm with far-reaching experience in debt recovery abroad that specialises in commercial and insolvency areas.
A team of highly-trained, experienced professionals complemented by a network of prestigious law firms in more than 100 countries will provide the solution to your needs.
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Creación de filial en el extranjero
Confíenos la creación de su filial o de su despacho de representación en el extranjero y olvídese de los trámites administrativos.
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A global outsourcing solution for credit management – called Logbox – which adapts to the specific needs of each company and the particularities and business practices of each country.