Support for international business development

Support for international business development

Aimed at companies that need to know in detail the situation of their sector in a specific market and want to define a strategy for entry into a country and an action plan.

We assist companies in their international development with contacts at your destination. We work in more than 25 countries at all stages of a company’s international development. From the initial phases of analysis and market

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We are the perfect partner for all those companies that need to address challenges in the areas of internationalisation, strategy, people and innovation. We currently have three offices of our own at the national level (Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Madrid) and four international offices (Colombia, Mexico, Brazil and France), as well as being present and having the capacity to develop projects in more than 25 countries.

More products of: Sectoral Information

Recopilación de información sectorial


Define la mejor forma de entrar en el país de destino para su empresa.

Exclusive advantage

Sectorial information


Find the information you need on the chief production sectors and their positioning in different countries.