Standards search

Standards search

Easily see the referential database of UNE standards comprising over 31,000 documents and national and international standards and acquire them individually. AENOR officially distributes the standards of other standardisation bodies (ISO, IEC, AFNOR, BSI, DIN, ASTM, AESME, SAE). If you wish to acquire them, please call 914 326 036 or send an email to

Para acceder al servicio, haga click here.

The standards search is a free service. On purchase, 5% for individual standards indicating “EXPORTING TO GROW DISCOUNT” in observations.

Organización privada, independiente y sin ánimo de lucro cuya misión es desarrollar actividades de normalización en España y evaluación de la conformidad con ámbito mundial y contribuir así a la competitividad de las empresas y su posicionamiento en los mercados. Trabaja en más de 70 países.

More products of: Standards and certification

AENORmás. Subscription to standards and collections


Subscribe to the newsletters on automatically updated standards accessible online, classified by areas and sectors.

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Certificates search


Find current certificates of companies and products and services issued by AENOR.

Exclusive advantage

Technical Advisory Service (SAT)


Perform any type of query regarding standards and legislation and the relevant certification for each case.

Exclusive advantage