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Analysis services from AENORlaboratorio for the following sectors/products: Meat sector; Fish and fishing products; Eggs and ovoproducts; Dairy Sector; Fruit and Vegetable Sector ; Bottled water, soft drinks, fruit juices; Wine; Alcoholic beverages; Breadmaking and milling; Oils and fats; Ready means; Sweets; Dry products; Children’s foods; Additives; Animal feed; Catering, restoration hospitality sector; Cosmetics, hygiene and detergents.
Para acceder al servicio, haga click here.
5% discount indicating “EXPORTING TO GROW DISCOUNT” in observations.

Organización privada, independiente y sin ánimo de lucro cuya misión es desarrollar actividades de normalización en España y evaluación de la conformidad con ámbito mundial y contribuir así a la competitividad de las empresas y su posicionamiento en los mercados. Trabaja en más de 70 países.
More products of: Standards and certification
Simplify your work with this SW application designed as a management tool that controls the entire process, from design to implementation and improvement of the system.
Inspection services
Find information on the Inspection services rendered by Aenor.
AENOR certification
Find out about the different ranges of AENOR certification, both for products/services and for systems/organisations.