Exporter Kit

Exporter Kit

Discover the most useful tools and functionalities for your business in this practical kit prepared by Banco Sabadell

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More products of: Export to Grow

Support for international business development


We assist companies in their international development with contacts at your destination. We work in more than 25 countries at all stages of a company's international development. From the initial phases of analysis and market research to assess which country may be of interest, to implementation at the destination.

Exclusive advantage

Búsqueda de socios / clientes


Desarrolle su negocio en el país de destino a través de nuestros servicios de búsqueda de socios/clientes o de nuestro programa de Business Development.

Exclusive advantage

Support and services for SMEs to develop their business in France

KOLY Expansion

We accompany you in your: market study, commercial strategy, logistics-warehouses-stocks, marketing plan, customer acquisition, sale of your products…

Exclusive advantage

Support and services for SMEs to develop their business in France

KOLY Expansion

We accompany you in your: market study, commercial strategy, logistics-warehouses-stocks, marketing plan, customer acquisition, sale of your products…

Exclusive advantage

Exporting to grow

Get in-depth knowledge of the contents of the Exporting to Grow program formed by eight leaders who help companies to internationalise.